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18 January 2005
How many people publish, read or contribute to blogs? 1.1
Last November, at the end of a review of research on blog usage in the US (creation, publication, readership, contribution) I proposed some estimates for blog adoption and usage in 2003 and early 2004:
- between 2.5 M and 3.5 M active blog publishers, whose blogs are updated at least once a month
- 300.000 and 400.000 very active publishers, those who write on their blog daily are between 300.000 and 400.000
- between 6.4 and 17 M blog readers
- 6 M contributors to blogs
Early in January, the Pew Internet & American Life Project published the results of a November 2004 survey - the state of blogging - which found a very steap increase in the number of blog publishers, readers and contributors:
- 8 M blog publishers
- 32 M blog readers
- 14 M contributors (many blogs publishers, many young (18-29)
The demographic profile of blog publishers is confirmed: a majority of males (57%), nearly half under age 30; a large majority with a broadband Internet connection at home (70%); a large majority with 6 or more years of Internet experience; 42% live in households with an over $ 50K income; 39% have college or graduate degrees.
Looking at a more recent development in the blogosphere, the Pew survey also found that 6 M Internet users use RSS feeds, another indication of great autonomy in managing media access and participation.
Posted at 11:40 PM in Usage of Blogs | Permalink
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