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06 October 2004
Networking the Home
We know that the number of households with PCs plus Internet connection is very large. But what about houselholds who have gone one step forward in developing their digital environment and have connected PCs, peripherals, Internet access and other digital devices to create home networks? Wi-Fi Moves In estimates the number of home wireless networks at 8.7 million (around 8%) US households in 2004. Forrester's Consumer technographics Q4 2003 set a similar number of networked home at 8 million households, including both wirelined and wireless networks. Adoption rate was found to be lower in Europe with 6 million networked homes, corresponding to less than 4% of European households.
The demographic profile of the users of wireless home networks indicates that they are young (51% between 18 and 34 years of age ; 76% when we include the 35-44 age group), affluent (80% earn between 60K$ and above 100K$). Internet is generally accessed from the living room (79%); the bedrooms (40%) and the kitchen (22%).
Once the network is up, the majority (77%) expresses the wish to connect more devices, and in particular the portable ones, to update and share contents; stream music (29%) and TV (25%). They also express the intention to buy new digital home entertainment products in the coming 12 months.
Where: US, and partly Europe
When: July 2004
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