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14 December 2004
MMS adoption and usage 1.0 - Sweden
Most telecom market analysts agree that MMS uptake is thin and much slower than the industry expected. Enpocket, a mobile entertainment and marketing services company, seems to be the only analyst to report growing user interest for MMS. Its quarterly Mobile Media Monitor US indicates strong and rapid MMS adoption among 25-34 years old (20%, double the adoption rate six months earlier). The report doesn't say much however on what MMS users do with them: if they just try them a few times, or use them on a more regular basis, as it happens with SMS.
A reminder
MMS have been commercially available for about thirty months. According to The state of MMS, Telenor Mobile in Norway was the first MMS operator in May 2002. Two years later, the number of operators to offer MMS was 210. Since launch, operators have been extremely cautious with publishing MMS usage and traffic data.
The only statement I could find (via Digital Media Europe) was issued by TeliaSonera and announced that:
- the number of registered MMS users in Sweden was 1 M in October, and 1.1 M in November, corresponding to roughly 30% of its customer base
- the number of MMS-enabled handsets on its network was 1.3 M
- MMS traffic was increasing from 2.3 MMS sent on its network in 2003; to 4.7 M during the first six months of 2004; to 3.8 M in the following three months of the year (Q3 2004)
- the majority of MMS combine text and images (78%), some also include sound clips (16%)
If the trend continues, this will correspond roughly to 10 MMS per year per MMS customer. This low usage is confirmed by the Swedish National Post and Telecom Agency (Post&Telestyrelsen) which in its Swedish Telecom Market 2003 analysis talks of 6.7 M MMS sent in the year in Sweden, a tiny fraction compared to the 1.82 Billion SMS Swedes sent that same year.
Posted at 11:14 PM in Usage of Mobile Phones | Permalink
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