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13 December 2004
Little enthusiasm for new 3G mobile services - Europe
It seems that scarce enthusiasm for UMTS/3G mobile services is shared across a large part of Europe.
Earlier in the year, a Harris Interactive online survey (via The Register) of 10.581 adults (9.865 are mobile users) in Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK, found that nearly half of mobile phone users (49%) were not interested in 3G services. Interest was the lowest in the UK at 60%. Almost half the respondents (44%) said that they would not use their mobile phones for more than voice calls. Again, this was the highest in the UK at 54%.
Among the factors that seem to contribute to the resistance to the new service are:
- the belief that 3G will be expensive (55%)
- the lack of understanding of the service (52%)
- the fear of unreliable service (51%)
Posted at 12:04 AM in Usage of Mobile Phones | Permalink
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