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23 November 2004
Firefox Adoption 1.1
Four days after my last post on the adoption of Firefox, the SpreadFirefox counter indicates one more million downloads, to 5.6 M. And OneStat.com, a Dutch Web traffic analyst, reports an increased share of Mozilla-based browsers (7.35% up from 2.1% six months earlier; Firefox accounts fro 4.58%) and a decreased share of IE browsers (88.9% down 5% from six months earlier) among 2 M Internet users who visited International sites monitored by OneStat.com.
In Firefox cutting into IE's lead, Paul Festa quotes Mozilla's release manager Asa Dotzler:
We're seeing a much swifter uptake for 1.0 than for the preview release, which took more than a month to reach 5 M downloads. We're clearly reaching a new world of users and we're doing it at a faster pace than any time in Mozilla's history.
Posted at 10:39 AM in Innovations | Permalink
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