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26 October 2004
Perspectives on usage of mobile TV and video over 3G
One of the central usage scenarios to inspire 3G Telecom operators envisions customers watching TV contents, Video on Demand and sharing personal videos across the network using their mobile devices. This vision is spelt out in the Register article 3G must embrace TV, based on an Analysys study. The argument is that 3G success may come from high revenue generating TV and video clips delivered to mobile phones. Its structure reminds me of similar arguments put forward at the end of the 90's to justify investments in WAP and the Mobile Internet. A mature context: both mobile phones and TV are ubiquitous, and people spend a significant amount of time watching TV. A keen audience: customer research indicates strong latent demand. A success story: rapid adoption of TV, VoD, Video 3G services in South Korea. Awareness of technical (speed, capacity, size) and economic (pricing) shortcomings, but obviously solutions are in view. A potential risk: competition from new broadcasting technologies, such as DVB - handhelds.
As I was reading this article, I had the opportunity to discuss the results from a recent longitudinal study on how new 3G customers services explore, try out and use TV, VoD and video services; and I came across the report Conflicting signals: a cell phone television interest survey, from the Lyra Research DTV View . The survey (of 1361 US cell phone users) evaluates people's overall interest in watching cell phone television or videos. It found that slightly more than half (53%) are either not interested at all or not very interested; 32% are somewhat interested; 14% are either very or extremely interested. The remaining 2% doesn't know. Both sources question the assumption that strong demand exists for TV, VoD and video 3G services. Clearly, more research and a closer look at how people use and feel about these services, in South Korea for instance, would help orient their development and diffusion.
Where: US
When: 2004
Posted at 09:56 PM in Usage of Videotelephony | Permalink
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