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19 October 2004
IM adoption: the steady progression
The Week in review data report for week 3-10-04 includes, among the Top 10 Telecom/Internet Destinations, three IM (AOL Instant Messenger, MSN Messenger Service, Yahoo! Messenger) and three e-mail (Yahoo! Mail, AOl Email and MSN Hotmail) services. The three top IM services combined have a unique audience of over 51 M who spend an average of 40 minutes per person; whereas the three top e-mail services have slightly more than 50 M unique audience for an average time of 20 minutes. AOL Instant Messenger alone has a unique audience of 28.740.000 each spending 1:01:11 AIM on average.
Lets go back a couple of years. In May 2002, Nielsen//NetRatings (cited by Bob Woods' U.S. in-home IM usage hits 41M) collected data on IM usage for the first time. The number of active Internet users to log onto one of the public IM networks then was 41 M, with AIM already drawing the largest audience of 22 M unique users.
A reminder: Nielsen//NetRatings measures audience by automatically tracking a panel of more than 50.000 US residents with home Internet access.
Where: US
When: October 2004 (1st week)
Posted at 03:58 PM in Usage of IM | Permalink
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